Combination Lift & Test Trucks
To meet your nipple up needs we have 30 combination lift & test trucks.

Wrecker Service
Our hydraulic operated wrecker is one of our newest additions. It works primarily out of our West Texas facility. Our driver can watch all moving parts from the back end of the truck and help insure the safety of all those around.

Gin Trucks
The work horse of the oilfield. A crane with wheels. If you need your B.O.P. or manifold moved, then we’ve got a way to do it. Our 5 gin trucks are ready to get the job done!

Map of Our Service Area
B.O.P. Ram’s home facility is located in Weatherford, OK. Our West Texas facility is located in Seminole, TX. We service a 200 mile radius from both locations that covers West TX and New Mexico.

Our service areas include Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, New Mexico, West Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, and Arkansas. Our rental inventory is available anywhere in the continental U.S. We ship or deliver any rental equipment required for a job to be done. B.O.P.'s home operations are in Weatherford, Oklahoma. We have a West Texas facility in Seminole, TX and an East Texas facility in Kilgore, TX stocked with rental equipment and ready to serve.